Instagram Insights


5 Key Strategy Insights

If you’re in a hurry, don’t have a lot of social media help, or just want to keep from getting overwhelmed, here are 5 key Instagram Insights to pay attention to!

1: Whom you’re attracting

If you simply assume you know who your followers are, you may be surprised! Knowing who engages with your content most is important because you can either (1) create content more specifically intended for them, since they are the ones interested in your product or service; or (2) change your targeting and positioning so that you can attract more of the clientele you’re seeking.

I’m targeting women in the United States between the ages of 25-34, so when I look at my Insights and see that’s whom I’m engaging, I know I’m on track.

2: Where Your Audience Lives

Instagram will tell you both regions and countries where your audience tends to originate from. This is important, because if you’re posting from the east coast of the US and most of your audience is on the west coast, they’ll be on the app usually about 3 hours later than anyone on the east coast, so you may need to try posting at later times for maximum engagement.

Additionally, if you ever decide to run targeted ads, knowing where your biggest fans are can help you make the most of your ad spend!

3: What has gotten the most engagement in the last 30, 60, or 90 days

Instagram automatically supplies you with your “reach” Insights, because these tend to be the biggest number and is most likely to make you feel good. However, engagement (sometimes referred to in Insights as “post interactions”) matters more for your strategy, because you want to double-down on efforts that are actually working! If you can see Stories with quizzes get more engagement that Stories with sound, you can focus on creating more quiz-Stories in the near future.

Since trends on Instagram change fairly quickly, I don’t advise looking at an entire year of engagement, except maybe once during an annual review. Focus on the last quarter’s engagement, or the last month’s engagement, instead.

4: Website Taps

Ultimately, if you’re trying to increase your revenue especially, you want your Instagram followers to “follow” you back to what is presumably your main hub: a website or leadpage.

What is prompting your followers to leave the app to go deeper with you? Is is something you offer for free? Is is a paid program? Is it your medium-tier tangible good? When you know what excites your people most, you can plan to talk about and share about it more, so that you can bring more people to your website, where you control the conversation.

5: Days of Highest/Lowest Engagement

It’s important to have a designated day each week you know you can “take off” and either take a breather from the platform or just be on it for your own enjoyment.

When you focus your posting efforts on the days that have the most people online and the highest engagement, you get rewarded for it, and when you take a day off when your engagement is most likely to be low, anyway, it not only allows to to keep a higher engagement rate overall; it also means you don’t get burned out from using the app.

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