Portsmouth NH Brand Photographer & Content Creator | The Original Subscription Photographer for Creative Professionals | Instagram Photography, Lifestyle Photography, Photography for Women in Business

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Overcome Your Fear of Starting a Business*

 *or just plain changing your life

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You’ve taken the FREE “Overcome the Fear of Starting a Business” class, evaluated your idea, and now you need to take action. You want to know how to organize all the steps and use your money as efficiently as possible.

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Your business is real now. You’re making money, you have clients, you even have rave reviews! Now you’re looking for next steps to streamline your systems and use all the tools at your disposal to increase revenue.

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You’ve been working eight days a week for at least a year, and now it’s time to cut anything that’s taking more energy than it’s making money. You’re ready for more time for what you love… that isn’t work.

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You don’t sweat the small stuff anymore—you know your business is healthy, and you are perfectly comfortable using tools that other experts have created to make the daily parts of your workflow a little faster and easier.

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PHASE: Start

Archive Block
This is example content. Double-click here and select a page to create an index of your own content. Learn more
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Business 101

Online course


Learn the foundations of starting and operating a sustainable business—timeless principles with a modern slant. 5-part video series with Alexis The Greek.


Make sure your first (or next) website looks pro—with one of our favorite design company’s Squarespace templates. Ask how you can have one customized by Alexis The Greek!

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Web Design Templates

*An affiliate partner


Build a Subscription Business

for photographers


Discover how to build, market, and grow a subscription photography business like Alexis The Greek’s—for reliable, consistent income, and a book of clients you love.

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Pinterest Masterclass Recordings

What was once a 2-hour live Masterclass is now 5 recordings and a workbook you can use to grow your Pinterest from 0 to… well, the sky is the limit!


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Sales Pages that Convert

The secret to my success with presets, online courses, and more? Sales pages that tell a story, answer questions, and assuage objections. Don’t you want that, too?


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Instagram 102—Marketing in 2021

Disappointed with Instagram classes you’ve taken in the past? They were probably created years ago and haven’t been updated since! Let’s talk about Instagram now, in 2021.


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Copywriting 101

Copy got you stuck? Sell Them What They Want, Give Them What They Need is part audio, part workbook, part written lessons—all to help you write your best online content.


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Learn to Live Stream

Intimidated by the technology? Freeze up on camera? Not sure what to wear or where to set up? All is covered in this master series where every lesson was shot in one take, live-stream style!


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Photo Styling Basics

Whether you’re looking to improve your iPhone photography or you’re a pro who wants to expand her skill set, this course has a unique lesson plan for you!


 PHASE: Simplify

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*An affiliate partner

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*An affiliate partner

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 PHASE: Support

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Mobile Presets

For the influencer on the go, Lightroom mobile presets are a necessity.


Desktop Presets

For the photographer who has moved beyond mobile editing, these Lightroom Desktop presets are must-have.