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Everything you need to know

to sell your event, course, retreat, or flagship product
from one page on your website

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In this 5-part video course, you’ll learn step by step how to lay out, write, and even build your next high-converting sales page—in less than a day

Why didn't my last sales page convert?

When a launch falls flat, our first instinct is almost always to assume we failed in some way—our hard-earned email list doesn’t love us as much as we thought they did, or the product we created was no good, or the price was too high or too low.

While those things might be factors, it’s more likely that your sales page didn’t do its job. There are certain questions every consumer wants answered before “buying in,” and there’s a specific psychological sequence every buyer has to follow to click “Buy Now” and feel excited instead of nervous.

In this 5-part video series, I’m going to walk you through what those specific things are so that your next sales page helps you reach more people—and make more money.


Watch this video to learn why I use sales pages instead of product listings!


3 Quick Fixes for Your Next Sales Page

(This information is on me.)

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No. 1

If your sales page asks visitors to do more than one thing, it’s a broken sales page. You want all your CTAs, or Calls to Action, to be the same. Keep your traffic focused on the one action (signing up or buying) that you want them to take!

No. 2

If your sales page focuses more on the features of your offering than how the buyer will benefit, it’s a broken sales page. If you’re selling it, to some extent, people expect it to be good—but you need to paint a picture about how their lives will be better after they buy.

No. 3

If your sales page is too short, it’s probably a broken sales page. This isn’t always the case, but for higher-priced items, it’s a good rule of thumb. Longer pages that answer questions and assuage objections tend to convert much higher!

Sales pages aren’t an art—they’re a science. And anyone can learn.

Discover the 5-step formula your favorite leaders, influencers, and brands are using to sell with success


Think those tips were good? You can expect a lot more than that inside!

Here are just a few things you will learn inside Sales Pages That Convert:

  • How to break up your sales page into sections your potential buyers can easily digest

  • The right order for your all your content so you can keep your visitors glued to the page

  • Different types of content you can use for each step in the psychological sequence that leads your traffic from “casual interest” to “can’t live without this!”

  • Some of the different key triggers that actually excite people to buy (and be less likely to experience buyers’ remorse)

  • How to put together a sales page on Squarespace without any knowledge of code or designer experience (concepts hold for other platforms, but the actual build we will do on Squarespace)

  • 3 Details novice sales-page-builders often miss so that you can avoid their mistakes (thank you page, hide header/footer…)

  • How to fit your sales page into a larger funnel

  • … and a timeless formula that will last you for years of offering creation!

So now the question is: Could you make back the $49 you’ll invest for these secrets with a killer sales page? If so, you can’t afford not to enroll!

A good sales page doesn’t just tell strangers about your offering.

A good sales page attracts people who need your offering, and repels people who don’t.

It generates excitement and builds trust.

It decreases your refund rate.

And it can be the difference between a 4-figure launch and a 5-figure launch—or a 5-figure launch and a 6-figure launch.

So what are you waiting for?

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Enroll now and receive access within minutes to your 5-part training series!

With these videos, in as little as an afternoon you’ll be able to create stronger sales pages that convert the right clients and customers—ones who need your product and who sing your praises from the rooftops!

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Still not sure?
Here are answers to some common questions:

Is this course live or recorded?

Recorded! And the principles shared in the course are timeless, so not only can you watch anytime, but you can be sure that the lessons you learn will still work from you one year from now, five years from now, or ten years from now!

What’s included with my purchase?

If you’re not already a student in another ATG course, you’ll get your first-ever login credentials! Woo-hoo!—but more importantly, you’ll get lifetime access to your student dashboard, where your video lessons are housed.

Since this is a highly actionable course, there aren’t many bells and whistles, like the printables, downloads and presets included in some of our other courses. Sales pages should be something you can put together quickly, so we didn’t overcomplicate things!

Do I need any knowledge of code or design to understand this class?

Definitely not. This course covers the Psychology of the Buyer first and foremost—that is, how the human brain behaves as it considers making a purchase, which has nothing to do with code or design. Just the final video is dedicated to actually building out a sales page, and no custom code or design experience is required to do exactly what you see in the video.

What if my site isn’t on Squarespace?

Not a problem. The most important information is in the first four videos, where you learn what content to gather or create and what order to put it in to maximize your impact… and that information will apply no matter what platform you’re using. We only use Squarespace for the final video because it’s where we house all our sales pages here at Alexis The Greek!

If I enroll today, can I take the course anytime?

Yes! For as long as the course exists, you will have login access. And as the course updates and any bonus materials are added, you will have access to those, too, no extra charge.

Do you have a refund policy or offer a guarantee?

Yes! If you complete all the exercises in this course and aren’t satisfied, you can send us your completed work within 7 days for a full refund and be taken off the list for the program.

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This is the moment!

Say Yes.

Enroll now in Sales Pages that Convert and…

  • Unlock 5 powerhouse video trainings to uplevel your sales pages for higher (much higher) conversions

  • In less than a weekend’s worth of work, get your next sales page online so you can start making more sales now!